Welcome to Year 3

In Year 3, children embark on a captivating journey of learning across subjects. In science, they delve into essential topics such as healthy eating and the human skeleton, fostering curiosity and appreciation for the natural world. Humanities studies introduce pupils to climate, weather, and ancient civilizations like the Celts and Romans, providing valuable insights into the interplay between human societies and the environment. In art, children acquire techniques like blending colours and sketching, while in DT, they refine motor skills through interactive tasks such as crafting kites.

To develop their literacy skills in Year 3, children are introduced to a variety of literary techniques aimed at refining their reading, writing, and comprehension abilities. Exploring a range of literary genres, including fiction and non-fiction texts, students broaden their understanding of language and deepen their appreciation for literature. Through creative expression in storytelling and poetry, they refine their writing skills, laying a foundation for continued academic growth and communication proficiency.

Mathematical skills are refined through mastery of multiplication, division, fractions and measurement, expanding their comprehension through hands-on activities and guided instruction. This foundational knowledge strengthens problem-solving abilities and quantitative reasoning, contributing to academic success and facilitating lifelong learning.

During their academic journey, children in Year 3 actively participate in collaborative projects and group activities, refining their skills in cooperation, empathy, and resilience. These experiences not only foster a sense of community and teamwork but also contribute to their social and emotional development, preparing them to tackle future academic challenges and build meaningful relationships. As they progress through school years, these abilities become increasingly important and useful, laying a strong foundation for their continued growth and success.